Functions for working with asynchronous computations
using java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> a
Blocks the future until it returns a result.
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> a -> a
Returns the value inside the future if it's completed, or return the default value.
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> Int64 -> TimeUnit -> Option a
Blocks the future until it returns a result. If no result is returned until the timeout is reached, returns None.
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> a -> Boolean
If this future is not yet completed, complete it with value. Returns true if the future transitioned to a completed state.
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> Boolean
Returns true if this future is completed in any form.
visibility: public
type: CompletableFuture a -> Boolean
Returns true if this future is cancelled.
visibility: public
type: (Unit -> a) -> CompletableFuture a
Creates a future that will run this function asynchronously.
visibility: public
type: Executor -> (Unit -> a) -> CompletableFuture a
Creates a future that will run this function asynchronously. The function will run in the given executor.
visibility: public
type: Int64 -> TimeUnit -> CompletableFuture Unit
Creates a future that will do nothing for the given time.
visibility: public
type: (a -> b) -> CompletableFuture a -> CompletableFuture b
Maps the given function asynchronously taking the result of this future as argument.
visibility: public
type: (a -> CompletableFuture b) -> CompletableFuture a -> CompletableFuture b
Maps the given function asynchronously taking the result of this future as argument. Flattens the result to a single future.
visibility: public
type: (a -> b -> c) -> CompletableFuture a -> CompletableFuture b -> CompletableFuture c
Runs the given function asynchronously with the result of both futures, returning a new future. The two futures will run independently.
visibility: public
type: List (CompletableFuture a) -> CompletableFuture Unit
Creates a single future that will be completed when all the given futures are completed.
visibility: public
type: List (CompletableFuture a) -> CompletableFuture a
Creates a single future that will be completed when any the given futures are completed.
visibility: public
type: (Throwable -> a) -> CompletableFuture a -> CompletableFuture a
Handles the exception in this future so it doesn't propagate down the chain. The function will only be called in case of an exception.
visibility: public
type: (Result a Throwable -> b) -> CompletableFuture a -> CompletableFuture b
Adds a handler to this future.
This function is similar to map
but it handles exceptions as well.