Functions to work with persistent sets.
Literal sets can be created using #{}
visibility: public
type: {{ Equals a }} -> Option (a -> Int64) -> Set a
Creates a new set which uses the element equality function and the provided hash function, or the default object hash function.
This function should always be used to create new sets for types that have equality implementations that differ from its own
Note that Novah creates default, sensible equals
and hashCode
implementations for every type, so this function is only needed
for types where the equals
function and the Equals
type class implementation diverge.
visibility: public
type: a -> Set a -> Set a
Inserts this element in the set. Runtime: ~O(1)
visibility: public
type: a -> Set a -> Set a
Removes this element from the set. Runtime: ~O(1)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Int32
Returns the size of this set. Runtime: O(1)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Boolean
Returns true if this set is empty. Runtime: O(1)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Boolean
Returns true if this set is not empty. Runtime: O(1)
visibility: public
type: Int32 -> Set a -> Option a
Returns some value at index for this set if it exists or none. Runtime: ~O(1)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Option a
Returns a random element of this set if the set is not empty. Runtime: O(1)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
Returns the union of these 2 sets.
This is the same as set1 ++ set2
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
Returns all elements in set 1 that are not in set 2.
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
Returns the intersection between these 2 sets.
visibility: public
type: Set a -> Stream a
Returns a stream for this set.
visibility: public
type: Stream a -> Set a
Collects this stream into a set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> (a -> Unit) -> Unit
Runs function f for every element of this set, ignoring the result. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> (Int32 -> a -> Unit) -> Unit
Runs function f for every index and element of this set, ignoring the result. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
Maps function f over all elements of this set returning a set of the same size. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Boolean) -> Set a -> Set a
Returns an array of the elements that match the given predicate. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Boolean) -> Set a -> Option a
Returns the first occurrence of elem in the set for which the predicate returns true. This function uses the set's equality function, set at creation time. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
Reduces this set to a single value according to the reducing function. Goes from the left to the right. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> a -> a) -> Set a -> Option a
A specialized version of foldl
where the first element of the set is used as initial value.
Returns none if the set is empty
Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: Set (Set a) -> Set a
Flattens a set of sets into a single set by concatenating them together. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Set b) -> Set a -> Set b
Like map, but the mapping function should return a set. Flattens the result. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Boolean) -> Set a -> Boolean
Returns true if the predicate is true for all elements in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Boolean) -> Set a -> Boolean
Returns true if the predicate is true for any element in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> Boolean) -> Set a -> Int32
Returns the number of elements matching the given predicate. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps a }} -> Set a -> Option a
Returns the smallest number in the set, if the list is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps a }} -> a -> Set a -> a
Returns the smallest number in the set, or the default value. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Ord b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Option a
Returns the smallest element in the set according to the given function, if the set is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Option b
Returns the smallest element returned by applying the function to every element in the set, if the set is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps a }} -> Set a -> Option a
Returns the biggest number in the set, if the list is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps a }} -> a -> Set a -> a
Returns the biggest number in the set, or the default value. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Ord b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Option a
Returns the biggest element in the set according to the given function, if the set is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ NumberOps b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Option b
Returns the biggest element returned by applying the function to every element in the set, if the set is not empty. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Plus a }} -> Set a -> a
Returns the sum of all elements in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Plus b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> b
Returns the sum of all elements by first applying the function to every element in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Mult a }} -> Set a -> a
Returns the product of all elements in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: {{ Mult b }} -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> b
Returns the product of all elements by first applying the function to every element in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: List a -> Set a -> Boolean
Returns true if every element in the list is contained in the set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: (a -> b) -> Set a -> Map b (Set a)
Groups the elements of the set according to the the function. Ex:
groupBy isOdd #{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
// => { true: #{1, 3, 5}, false: #{2, 4, 6} }
visibility: public
type: List a -> Set a
Returns a set with the same elements as the list, with duplicates removed. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> List a
Returns a list of all elements in this set. Runtime: O(n)
visibility: public
type: Set a -> (Set a -> b) -> Set a
Creates a linear (mutable) version of the given set and applies the function to it.
Returns a forked (persistent) version of the returned linear set.
This function should be used when lots of expensive mutating operations have to be run on a set
and can be seen as a builder for the resulting set.
All functions that alter sets like add
, remove
, etc.
will mutate a linear set.
withLinear #{1, 2, 3} \set ->
add 4 set
remove 1 set
-> #{2, 3, 4}