Command line and project management
Novah comes not only with a compiler but with a whole suite of commands.
$ novah --help
Usage: novah [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-v, --version show the current version and exit
-h, --help Show this message and exit
compile compile source files
deps fetch and store all dependencies for this project
build compile the project described by the `novah.json` file
new create a Novah project
run run the main module if one is defined
clear clear the output directory
apidoc generate the api documentation for the project
repl start a repl for the current project
ide run the Novah language server
Project management
To create a new project use novah new <project-name>
A new directory will be created with the project files.
The novah.json file
Inside the project a `novah.json` file will be created describing your project. There you can add maven or git (requires git installed) depencencies, set your source and Java paths, create aliases, define main entry points and add maven repositories. Ex.:
"paths": ["src"],
"javaPaths": ["src-java"],
"deps": {
{"mvn/version": "2.13.0"},
"": {"git/version": "main"}
"main": "main",
"output": "./output",
"aliases": {
"test": {
"extraPaths": ["test"],
"main": "test.main"
"mvn/repos": {
"central": {"url": ""}
Building the project
After the project is created you can setup it with novah deps
will download any dependency and create the necessary directories and files for the project.
Now the project is ready to build with novah build
or if
you want to build and run directly novah run -b
Running the project
With the project built you can now run it with novah run
which will execute the
main function of the given alias (or the default alias if none is given). For example:
novah run -a test
will run the main function of the `test` alias, which
should be the project's tests. You can create new aliases with additional source paths and main entry points
to execute other routines, tests, build steps or setups your project need.
Novah comes with a basic repl (read eval print loop) for playing around with the language.
It can be execute for a project with novah repl
Novah 0.4.1 repl.
Type :help for a list of commands.
> :help
:help -> shows this help
:clear -> resets the repl
:q, ctrl+c -> quits the repl
:> -> starts a multi-line expression or definition
:test <suite> -> runs the specified test suite using
:t, :type <exp> -> shows the type of the given expression
import <mod> -> adds an import to the repl
foreign import <mod> -> adds a foreign import to the repl