
Pattern Matching

Novah supports pattern matching using the case ... of syntax. It also supports pattern destructuring for functions and let declarations.

Wildcard_Always matches
Variablea, fooAlways matches and binds the value to the variable
Literal1, 4.5, "foo", 'a', trueMatches the exact literal
Unit()Matches the value to unit
ConstructorNil, Some x, NoneMatches the specified constructor of a type
List[], [x, _], [head :: tail], [x, y, z :: rest]Matches a list that can be empty, contain some elements and a tail
Regex#"\d", #"\w+"Matches the whole regex against the input
Record{x, y}, {name}Matches the specified fields of a record
Named pattern[x :: _] as list, {name} as personBinds the whole pattern to the given name
Type test:? String, :? File as fileMatches the value to the specified runtime type

Pattern guards

Patterns can have guards for additional filtering.

Begin code:

module guards

foo : Int -> Int
foo x = case x of
  0 -> 0
  n if n < 0 -> n * -1
  n -> n

End code.

Multiple patterns

Case expressions can match on multiple patterns at the same time.

Begin code:

module multipatterns

foo : Option Int -> Option Int -> Option Int
foo x y = case x, y of
  Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (v1 + v2)
  _, _ -> None

End code.


Function parameters and let declarations can be destructured directly. Incomplete patterns require a noWarn attribute to compile.

Begin code:

module destructuring

foo : { x : Int, y : Int } -> Unit
foo {x, y} = printfln "Point %d %d" [x, y]

bar () =
  let [match, group1, group2] = Re.find #"(\d), (\d)" "3, 9"
  let sum = int group1 + int group2
  printfln "the sum of %s is %s" [match, show sum]

End code.